Talks and Workshops

Eight influential keynote speakers will headline the Creative Festivals organised by creative clubs. The Trends Reports, the Green Futures Awards, and the “The Atlas of Weak Signals” will be presented.
Moreover, topics pertinent to the New European Bauhaus (NEB) and its impact on the creative industry will be addressed.


Lucy von Sturmer at CCP Festival 2024
As part of the Green Futures project, Lucy von Sturmer, CEO of Creatives for Climate, will present a speech titled "Turning the Creative Industry into a Force for Climate Action". Discover more.
Lucy von Sturmer at ADCE Creativity Festival
Lucy captivated the audience with her session, "How to Use Your Creativity for Climate Action". Her thought-provoking talk challenged attendees to reflect on the role of creativity and advertising in addressing the environmental crisis. She urged creative professionals and agencies to take action by offering innovative solutions that could help reverse the current trajectory of climate change.

Anti-Greenwashing Guide with Eva Frass
Eva Frass, a member of the Creatives for Climate Collective, led a three-part workshop equipping participants with tools to identify, challenge, and overcome greenwashing practices. Attendees gained valuable insights into deceptive industry tactics, learned to avoid them, and explored ethical ways to engage consumers in fostering a sustainable future.